The Green Clean Institute is a training and certification organization with nearly twenty years of promotion of Green Cleaning practices and products. Our mission is to continuously advance the eco-friendly practices of Green Buildings and Sustainable Products.
Our online training programs are intended to provide a 24/7 online training service to the "Front Line Workers" as well as the leadership staff. Green cleaning is not found in a product but in the application of the products and services. Therefore, the training and certification of the actual workers is the basis for the certification of a GCI Green Clean Certified Firm.
The Green Clean Institute offers Green Product and Green Services certification to other providers seeking an authoritative national certification that is affordable and more than a "Pay to Play" award. Our standard is "Truth in Advertising" meaning that the product is both a well-proven Green product or service that properly represents its qualities fairly to the public.
The Green Clean Institute does not sell products. The Green Clean Institute is not an endorsement of a product but the recognition of achievement to well-recognition environmental and healthy building standards.
The illicit use of the Green Clean Institute Certified trademark is limited to all active and qualified members only. The unapproved us of the Green Clean Institute Certified trademark will incur an "Liquidated Damages" liability of $1000 per occurance.